Hello World

Hello World! Welcome to my Blog. Finally i'm finish polishing, designing, scripting and tweaking this Blog. Honestly i can't hold it, the last few months i just stick on this blog try to tweak it the way i pleased. For now i'm staisfied with the result. Now its the time to fill it with some content huh? Well i hope you enjoy it.

digitalXPerience is more like a concept for me. The concept of sharing your experiences on a blog. The definition of "experience" is in my opinion very wide, that suits perfectly to what i want to write. I can write almost everything, considering that was my experience. I don't want to write some "copy and paste" thing here, because it will be against the concept itself.

Language will be the next thing worth to consider. Well, i will write in 3 Languages: Indonesia, English and Deutsch. I don't care. My Blog is my opportunity to learn how to write, and I will write it with languages i can cope with. Which language i choose will depends on many aspects.

Once again i hope you enjoy it. Feedback will be very welcome.

Arthur Purnama


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